ISA is committed to delivering exceptional service to our clients through the most efficient process. ISA services are easily acquired through a variety of contracting options, including 8(a) direct award, GSA Master Award Schedule, and more. These resources offer valuable advantages with wide ranges of services, pre-negotiated rates, streamlined request for quotations (RFQ), and award processes. The information below provides a quick overview of the benefits and features of our contract vehicles. Please click the links to learn more details about these contracts.
SBA 8(a) Certified Business
According to SBA, “The 8(a) program is a valuable tool for experienced socially and economically disadvantaged small business owners, who have already been in business for at least two years or more, and are interested in expanding their footprint in the federal marketplace.”
What does it mean for our customers?
The 8(a) certification means that ISA Is eligible to compete for the sole-source and competitive set-aside contracts.
According to SBA, “the government authorizes sole-source contracts to 8(a) participants for up to $7 million for acquisitions assigned manufacturing North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and $4.5 million for all other acquisitions. Entity-owned 8(a) program participants are eligible for sole-source contracts above these thresholds, but the Department of Defense requires approval of a formal justification if the 8(a) sole-source contract exceeds $100 million; all other federal agencies require approval for sole-source 8(a) contract actions that exceed $25 million.”
Through this mechanism, ISA can:
Efficiently compete and receive set-aside and sole-source contracts
Receive one-on-one business development assistance for their nine-year term from dedicated Business Opportunity Specialists focused on helping firms grow and accomplish their business objectives
Pursue opportunity for mentorship from experienced and technically capable firms through the SBA Mentor-Protégé program
Connect with procurement and compliance experts - who understand regulations in the context of business growth, finance, and government contracting
Pursue joint ventures with established businesses to increase capacity
Qualify to receive federal surplus property on a priority basis
Receive free training from SBA’s 7(j) Management and Technical Assistance program
GSA Multiple Award Schedule
ISA holds a General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule 70 contract and the Professional Services Schedule (PSS), which enable ISA to supply Information Technology (IT) products and services easily and efficiently to a wide variety of federal, state, and local government agencies. GSA is the procurement arm of the United States Federal Government, which awards IT Schedule 70 and PSS contracts following a rigorous analysis of a company’s organizational structure, pricing, performance, and client satisfaction.
IT 70:
Over 80 percent of Schedule 70 suppliers are small businesses
Provides a wide variety of products and services
Offers training sessions throughout the year on important topics and processes
Offers innovative solutions to professional services needs to federal, state, and local governments
Serves as a single long-term, government-wide contract to procure simple and complex fixed price, time and materials, or labor hour professional services
Leverages streamlined, effective contracting procedures, as outlined in FAR 8.40
GSA IT 70 uses simplified acquisition procedures to issue Requests for Quotations (RFQ) using your agency’s solicitation system, GSA’s eBuy solicitation system, or directly to contractors.
Leverage Contractor Team Arrangements (CTA) to bring multiple industry partners to the negotiating table and work directly with each other.
Customize blanket purchase agreement (BPA) and task order terms and conditions to meet specific requirements.
Ensure adequate participation by small businesses, including small business set-asides.
Saves time using streamlined procurement procedures outlined in FAR Subpart 8.4
54151S – IT Professional Services
MAS Information Technology's Special Item Number (SIN) 54151S for all IT Professional Services includes:
Cognitive computing;
Conversion and implementation support;
Database planning and design;
Internet of Things (IoT);
IT project management;
Migration services (of all kinds);
Network services;
Resources and facilities management;
Systems analysis, design, and implementation; and
Other services relevant to 29 CFR 541.400.
PSS enables simplified acquisition procedures for issuance of Requests for Quotations (RFQ) using your agency’s solicitation system, GSA’s eBuy solicitation system, or directly to contractors.
Leverage Contractor Team Arrangements (CTA) to bring multiple industry partners to the negotiating table and work directly with each one.
Customize blanket purchase agreement (BPA) and task order terms and conditions to meet specific requirements.
Ensure adequate participation by small businesses, including small business set-asides.
Saves time using streamlined procurement procedures outlined in FAR Subpart 8.4
541715 – Professional Services-Technical and Engineering Services (non-IT)
Engineering Research and Development and Strategic Planning Service include conducting research and experimental development in the physical, engineering and life sciences.
Activities may include, but are not limited to, analysis of organization mission, program goals and objectives, program evaluations, analysis of program effectiveness, organizational performance assessment, special studies and analysis, program/project management, technology transfer/insertion, training and consulting.
541611 – Professional Services-Business Services
This GSA code allows ISA to provide consulting to federal agencies on a wide variety of management issues, such as financial planning and budgeting, portfolio management, records management, strategic and organizational planning, strategic communications, organizational transformation, and business process improvement.
Virginia Values Veterans(V3) Certified
The V3 community is represented by a wide range of industries across the Commonwealth of Virginia, from large and small businesses alike.
Through its various hiring practices and programs, ISA has demonstrated that it Values Veterans, and maintains a public commitment to hire Veterans into their workforce.
1 out of 3 ISA members have served in the US Armed Forces.
The V3 certification sends a clear message to our clients, current and prospective employees, and partners that our workforce is grounded upon ethics of service.
At the end of the day, ISA is the greatest benefactor of Veteran hiring. These individuals bring work ethics and skills which are not often found in the private sector.
Beyond our own team, our clients and partners recognize the value that these team members provide with their unique perspectives and experiences. ISA Veteran employees continue to serve their country at our firm.