Aug 23 - Critical Thinking for Intelligence Analysis


Critical Thinking for Intelligence Analysis
August 23, 2024 with Neil Wiley

Download the Course Summary and Schedule here:

Course Overview: This course will help Intelligence Analysts improve their critical thinking skills. It begins by reviewing the basic characteristics of quality intelligence analysis (and the challenges to producing it) and the methodology for building an analytic argument. The course continues with a discussion of the mental traits and habits that inhibit critical thinking and objectivity. Finally, the course discusses several types of structured techniques designed to inject critical thinking and analytic rigor into intelligence production.

  • Cost $600 per student

  • Virtual Delivery: Hosted via ISA’s Microsoft Teams

  • No textbooks, students will receive electronic copies of course materials

0800-0830: Introductions and Administration
0830-0945: Module 1: The Nature of Intelligence
0945-1000: Break
1000-1100: Module 2: Building an Analytic Conclusion through Argumentation
1100-1230: Module 3: Mindset, Bias, and Misperception
1230-1330: Lunch
1330-1430: Module 4: Diagnostic Techniques
1430-1530: Module 5: Contrarian/Creative Thinking Techniques
1530-1545: Break
1545-1645: Module 6: Forecasting Techniques
1645-1700: Wrap-Up

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